Managing POs
After Forecasting, quotations are obtained. These amounts are usually maintained in a third-party system and imported into the PO columns. By comparing the Forecast and PO cells of a line item, Sheila recognizes whether she needs to allocate more budget to the line item or can allocate the excess budget to another line item.

Whether you create purchase orders (PO) manually or import them depends on which process your company has chosen. The decision depends on many factors, such as whether the PO data is available in a third-party system and how much effort it takes to manually maintain the PO. Contact your system administrator if you have any questions.
Important to know:
Editing a PO: You can always edit a PO in the same way, regardless of whether it is manually created or imported.
You can delete an imported PO under > Budget >
. A manually created PO can be deleted under > Investments > Details panel > PO panel. For details see Deleting Purchase Orders (PO).

Which data for purchase orders (POs) you need to manage is determined individually for your company. In any case, you should know the following attributes:
Identifier: As a rule, there are one or even more attributes that you can use to identify a PO, for example a PO ID. Especially when importing PO data, the identifying attributes are important to decide whether POs are updated. If you have questions about the setup in your system, please contact your system administrator.
Splitting: You may have a purchase order (PO) that contains amounts for multiple line items. In this case, you must split the PO. Note the following section Splitting: One Purchase Order, Several Line Items
Date: A PO must be assigned to at least one month, only then can your committed spends be compared to the planned spends. Therefore, the start date must be entered for each PO. The PO will be assigned to the month of this date.
If a PO is amortized over several months, you must also enter an end date. Note the following section Amortizing: One Purchase Order, Several Months.

You may have a purchase order (PO) that contains amounts for multiple line items. In this case, you must split the PO.
If you create a purchase order manually, you can split it when creating or editing it. To do this, refer to Manually Creating a Purchase Order (PO) or Creating Purchase Orders (POs) by Importing.
Details related to each PO split can be viewed in the PO panel. There you will be able to see the PO and related details, as well as a column to view allocation of a split as a percentage, and a tooltip to view currency.
On the Manage Split for PO page, there is information on the number of investments and locations the PO is split across, including the investment plan, category, and investment of the split allocation and the split percentage.
You may need to track the split of a PO. The chapter PO Splitting: Identifying a PO Split explains how to retrieve the data of a split.

The costs for some orders do not accrue within one month, for example because it is a subscription or a corresponding amortization of the invoices over several months has been agreed. In this case, you must amortize the amount over several months.
Amortization of POs is possible regardless of whether you create the PO manually or by import. In the case of a split PO, you can divide the amount over several months for each split separately.
When you amortize a PO, you enter not only a start date, but also an end date. The end date must be in a subsequent month. You can divide the amount of the PO (or split) between the months affected by the period between the start and end dates.
Example A
To amortize a PO amount you specify:
Start date: 4/15
End date: 9/1
The amount can be divided between the months April, May, June, July, August and September.
Within the amortization period you can distribute the amount as you wish. The system will support you if you divide the amount evenly among the months.
Example B
Within the period of Example A the amount 6000 $ is to be distributed. You choose an even distribution.
For each month, the amount 1000 $ is entered in the PO columns.
Example c
Within the period of Example A, the amount 6000 $ accrues in two installments, once at the beginning, once at the end of the period.
To implement this, enter $3000 each for April and September. The fields for the other months remain empty.
If you create amortization beyond the fiscal year, it is a rollover. You must manually carry forward the amount that will be incurred in the subsequent fiscal year.